Monday 9 June 2014

Steps to launch a new instance in OpenStack and ssh into it using a floating IP

[Steps summarised from]


Run steps from link to setup command line tools for OpenStack.
Run steps from link to create a tenant and user for OpenStack.
Run steps from link to create public network, private network, and a router.
Run steps from link to add a new qcow2 image to OpenStack.
Run steps from link to create a new keypair in OpenStack.
Run steps from link to create a new security group in OpenStack.
Run steps from link to create a new flavor in OpenStack.

Set environment for your specific user and tenant

# source ~/keystonerc_<user-name>

Gather required parameters

# nova flavor-list
Note the <flavor-ID> from the ID column displayed.

# nova image-list
Note the <image-ID> from the ID column displayed.

# nova keypair-list
Note the <key-name> from the Name column displayed.

# nova secgroup-list
Note the <secgroup> from the Name column displayed.

# nova net-list
Note the <tenant-network-ID> from the ID column for the tenant network (not the external network).

# nova floating-ip-list
Note the <floating-IP> from the Ip column, with "-" in the Fixed IP column, to get an unassociated floating IP.

Create a new instance using parameters set above

# nova boot --flavor <flavor-ID> \
                  --image <image-ID> \
                  --key-name <key-name> \
                  --security-groups <secgroup> \
                  --nic <net-id=net-uuid> \

Assign a floating IP to the instance created

# nova floating-ip-associate <instance-name> <floating-IP>

SSH into the new instance using the floating IP and the private key file for <key-name>

# ssh -i <my-key>.pem <user-name>@<floating-IP>

Full path for <my-key>.pem should be mentioned.
1. Username for the instances will depend on the type of the image.
2. Following are a few examples:
CentOS 6.5 ( cloud-user
Fedora 19 ( fedora
Ubuntu 12.04 ( ubuntu

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